
Middlesex Concert Band

New England Music Awards

UAE National Day Celebration (Boston)

Last Band Standing

Uptown Roots Music Festival

KDS Productions is owned and operated by Adam Dusenberry. We are an award-winning, professional videographers with a long history of interest in music/performance event coverage, documentary, and live event coverage. music/performance event coverage.


Our whole focus is to combine those interests in such a way that the results are polished, as well as


We bring a unique combination of skills and background to our productions. Adam has worked at WCAT, WinCAM, and NECN, and graduated with honors from Ithaca College.


We have more than 20 years of experience in broadcast television production and videography. We have received many awards and honors for our productions in national competitions (Pegasys, National Communicator Awards, ACM Regional Awards, ACM Hometown Awards, Videographer Awards, Telly Awards, and MarCom Awards).


Awards and Recognitions


2020 The Night Shift - Distinction (Communicator)


2018 Radio New England - Distinction (Communicator)


2018 New England Music Awards - Distinction (Communicator)


2014 New England Music Awards - Distinction (Communicator), Bronze (Telly)


2008 "Above All Else"  - Silver, (ACM Regionals, Professional Theater & Arts Category)


2004 "Enchanted Evening Music" - Distinction (Communicator), Finalist (MarCom), Bronze (Telly)



Contact Us





1337 Massachusetts Ave

Suite 171

Arlington, MA 02476


781 - 791 - 4220

All images and video on this website are the original work of KDS Productions staff, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Copyright 2021   KDS Productions